„Furore does wonderful work in supporting women composers,“
said the President of the United Nations Chamber Music, Brenda Vongova!
Brenda Vongova
UN Chamber Music Society
of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council
said the President of the United Nations Chamber Music, Brenda Vongova!
Brenda Vongova
UN Chamber Music Society
of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council
The Oviedo Filarmonia under the conductor Isabel Rubio will perform at the Teatro Campoamor, Oviedo on March 17 under the title MUJERES EN MÚSICA the Ouverture C-Dur of Fanny Hensel.
On March 25, 2021 Mel Bonis: Suite en forme de valses can be heard in Finland. In the Carelia hall in Joensuu the Joensuun kaupunginorkesteri (Joensuu City Orchestra) will play with the conductor Eero Lehtimäki.