
1308, 2024

Premiere in Bukarest: CARMEN MARIA CÂRNECI – TraumLieder – for mezzo-soprano and piano

13. August 2024|

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, at 12 noon at the George Enescu National Museum, Sinaia Memorial House, Bucharest
CARMEN MARIA CÂRNECI – TraumLieder – for mezzo-soprano and piano (2023) – premiere
1. dream dancer / (verses by Stephanie Jans).
2. fire (verses by Anka Knechtel).
3. dream of a simple life (verses by Sabine Kleuker)
with Claudia Caia (mezzo-soprano), Andrei …

2907, 2024

100 Years Ruth Schonthal: concert at the Liedstadt Hamburg

29. July 2024|

The Liedstadt Hamburg festival honors Ruth Schonthal:
We get to know the Hamburg composer Ruth Schonthal together and celebrate her 100th birthday.
“Different cultures have shaped my music” – we introduce the pioneer with songs and a sounding diary.”

No fear of Ruth Schönthal
19:00 (CET)

23 Sep, 2024

KörberForum, Hamburg

with Julian Prégardien, Marlene Heiß, Dr. Rafael Rennicke

2607, 2024

220 years Fanny Hensel née Mendelssohn in 2025

26. July 2024|

In 2025, the 220th anniversary of Fanny Hensel‘s birth will be celebrated worldwide. She is one of the most important female composers of the 19th century. Born in 1805, she composed over 460 works, including piano pieces, songs, chamber music and orchestral and choral works. Her work is lyrical and expressive and has received …

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Gefördert durch das Programm Lokale Ökonomie aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für Regionalentwicklung.


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