Emilie Mayer and Fanny Hensel: Contemporaries of Beethoven

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Biliana Tzinlikova (piano), Domenica Radlmaier (soprano and acting), Belcanto-Chor Salzburg (cond.: Gertraud Steinkogler-Wurzinger), Oberstimmenchor Bürmoos (cond.: Eva Neumayr), Sinfonietta da Camera Salzburg (cond. Peter Wesenauer) interpret works by Emilie Meyer (1812-1883), Fanny Hensel (1805-1847) and Ludwig van Beethoven (1772-1827) under the overall musical direction of Gertraud Steinkogler Wurzinger.


On the occasion of the Beethoven Year 2020, our choir and orchestra concert with theatrical elements was postponed several times due to corona. We had to come up with something else. The result was Tosende Stille I – DIE FRAUEN BLEIBEN UNGEHÖRT UND BEETHOVEN IST TAUB. A digital project of the theater bodi end sole.

So now back to the starting point: again it’s about Beethoven’s contemporaries, his colleagues and their works. About the romantic concept of genius, about Goethe’s Faust and yes – about deafness and silence. In the end, however, joy wins out, especially for the choirs who were condemned to silence for so long and are now finally singing again. Also for him, the deaf master, we play and sing his Choral Fantasy for the occasion and close his prolonged year of celebration with the words:

“When the magic of sounds
and the consecration of the word speaks,
glorious things must take shape,
Night and storms become light”

Emilie Mayer
Faust Overture, op. 46 (orchestra)

Fanny Hensel (1805-1847)
Faust for solos and upper voice choir (orchestral version)

Beethoven Scenes (play)
The beloved
The Genius

Ludwig v. Beethoven (1771-1827)
Fantasy for piano, choir and orchestra, op.80


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