Events for 16. February 2024 - 10. September 2023

Fanny Hensel: Oratorium, Oratorienchor Potsdam

Friedenskirche Potsdam Am Grünen Gitter 3,, Potsdam

Works by Fanny Hensel née Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Bob Chilcott The programme includes the "Oratorio based on images from the Bible" by Fanny Hensel née Mendelssohn Bartholdy and the "Canticles of Light" by Bob Chilcott. Time to be announced!

€15 – €20

Fanny Hensel: Lobgesang, Berlin

Music of the Mendelssohn siblings and their masters Schütz and Bach (among other) Schütz: „Ich hebe meine Augen auf“ „Lobgesang“ von Fanny Hensel, geb. Mendelssohn „Wer nur den lieben Gott“ von Felix Mendelssohn Performing: Der Taborchor Solistenensemble Vox Angeli La Risonanza Potsdam conductor: Ulrike Brand

Eintritt frei – großzügige Spenden erbeten

Mel Bonis: Les Gitanos Op. 15/3

Himmelfahrtskirche München - Sendlingen Kidlerstr. 15, München, Deutschland

Musical direction: Mary Ellen Kitchens and Alexander Strauch Orchestra: Rainbow Sound Orchestra


VI Convention Internationale de la flûte

Conservatoire Darius Milhaud 380 Avenue Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Aix-en-Provence, Frankreich

The 6. International Flute Congress to take place from 26 to 30 October 2022 in Aix-en-Provence in France. Four intensive days with concerts, master classes, conferences, workshops, Exhibitions and many other activities await the participants. At October 29th at 3:30 p.m., the flute works of Florentine Mulsant will be on the concert program. Furore Verlag presents flute works by female composers on all four days.

Margarete Schweikert: recital, melody and minuet in the old style

Kirche Kirchdittmold Schanzenstraße 1, Kassel, Hessen, Deutschland

Andrea Gerland, violin & Michael Gerisch, organ Works by Margarete Schweikert and Isabella Leonarda Margarete Schweikert: recital, melody and minuet in the old style Isabella Leonarda: Sonata duodecima



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