Fanny Hensel: Oratorio based on images from the Bible, parish Reit im Winkl
Pfarrei Reit im Winkl Hausbergstr. 2, Reit Im WinklFinal project of the church music studies in Munich Conductor: Benedikt Meurers
Final project of the church music studies in Munich Conductor: Benedikt Meurers
Music of the Mendelssohn siblings and their masters Schütz and Bach (among other) Schütz: „Ich hebe meine Augen auf“ „Lobgesang“ von Fanny Hensel, geb. Mendelssohn „Wer nur den lieben Gott“ von Felix Mendelssohn Performing: Der Taborchor Solistenensemble Vox Angeli La Risonanza Potsdam conductor: Ulrike Brand
Conductor: Thomas Hennig Soprano: Katharina Borsch, alto: Rita Kapfhammer, tenor: Andre Khamasmie, Bass: Haakon Schaub
Conductor: Adam K. Boyles
Northampton Bach Choir + Orchestra „Musical and Amicable Society
Musical direction: Mary Ellen Kitchens and Alexander Strauch Orchestra: Rainbow Sound Orchestra
Conductor: Andrea Brinkhaus-Wermers
The 6. International Flute Congress to take place from 26 to 30 October 2022 in Aix-en-Provence in France. Four intensive days with concerts, master classes, conferences, workshops, Exhibitions and many other activities await the participants. At October 29th at 3:30 p.m., the flute works of Florentine Mulsant will be on the concert program. Furore Verlag presents flute works by female composers on all four days.
conductor: Barbara Rhyneer
Conductor: David Holzinger
Andrea Gerland, violin & Michael Gerisch, organ Works by Margarete Schweikert and Isabella Leonarda Margarete Schweikert: recital, melody and minuet in the old style Isabella Leonarda: Sonata duodecima
Conductor: Tobias Orzeszko