
New at Furore: Vivienne Olive: An Introduction to her Music

2024-10-21T13:52:13+02:0021. October 2024|Current Posts|

A new book about Vivienne Olive and her music

Vivienne Olive has been composing since she first sat at the piano at the age of seven. Her oeuvre is incredibly diverse, characterized by different influences and always inviting discovery.
According to Olive herself, her catalogue of works includes serious, often serial compositions for soloists, small ensembles and large-scale orchestral apparatuses and choirs.
Olive devotes extensive studies and analyses to these before completion, sometimes with detailed proportion plans. Olive also frequently composes spontaneous light music, such as
the lively Bush Gin Rag.

New at Furore: Vivienne Olive: An Introduction to her Music
With contributions by Charlotte Cubitt, Barbara Gabler, Stefan Grasse, Theresa Henkel, Mary Ellen Kitchens, Arno Leicht, Vivienne Olive, Matthias Stubenvoll, Janosch Umbreit
and Uta Walther.
ISBN 978927327634

Pure pleasure paired with great educational value: Margaret Brandman’s Warm Winds in Havana for string ensemble

2024-10-15T10:38:11+02:0015. October 2024|Current Posts, News|

M. Brandman: Warm Winds in Havana

“Originally composed for saxophone quartet, Warm Winds in Havana has been adapted for string quartet with an optional 3rd violin part that doubles the viola part. There is also a percussion part for two of the movements, thus offering plenty of scope for teachers to use for students’ ensemble development, and very approachable for an intermediate level ensemble.
Featuring jazz and Latin-American influences, the first piece, Cuba Promenade is lively, in the style of a Samba Solida del Sol, capturing the sunrise, is more gentle, in 7/8 time, with a contrasting section and a swing feel in triple time. Danza del Dia is next, in syncopated rhythms contrasted with flowing melodies. Lastly Ritmo de la Noche has shimmering effects, building excitement in the disco rhythm, resulting in a variety of colours and textures.
Performance suggestions for Ritmo include sul tasto and sul ponticello, adding further tonal contrasts. Pizzicato is also used very effectively, bringing out the taut rhythms. A clearly- written score with six separate parts in larger than usual type is very welcome, making reading easy. Apart from the sheer delight to be found in playing these pieces, there is great educational value here, particularly …

Visit us at the Frankfurt Book Fair

2024-10-10T12:16:08+02:0010. October 2024|Current Posts|

Book Fair in Frankfurt
The 76th Frankfurt Book Fair opens its doors from October 16 to 20, 2024. The publishers Merseburger, Furore and Pan will be exhibiting in Hall 3.1 Stand D 99. This year, you can look forward to a particularly large number of stages, authors, stars and experts from the publishing and media world – at the heart of the industry, at the world’s largest book fair.

World Première CREATAFERA-Regine Brunke in Kassel

2024-09-10T08:52:02+02:0010. September 2024|Current Posts|

Forum Composition: The special concert
Saxophone quartet Eternum from Cologne
Saturday, September 14, 7 p.m. Palais Bellevue Kassel, 7 p.m.
Works by Gershwin, Glazunov, Ravel, among others, world premieres by Johan de Wit and CREATAFERA-Regine Brunke

“As a highly capable chamber music ensemble, the four young instrumentalists are highly noteworthy and worth listening to, and with playful ease they create the rare: enthusiasm and amazement.” Orchestra pit, 2024

“The quartet convinces with youthful freshness and a warm, chromatic sound.” Ö1/ORF, 2023


Ljubica Maric: Ostinato super Thema Octoicha in Ithaca New York

2024-09-09T17:31:58+02:009. September 2024|Current Posts|

Ostinato super Thema Octoicha [Octoicha III] (6’50) for piano, harp and string orchestra

Curious Byzantine scales unfold in Ljubica Maric’s Ostinato Super Thema Octoicha. The work will now be performed by the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra on 9/14/2024 at 7:30 PM at Ford Hall, Ithaca College.

Ljubica Maric is one of the most prominent representatives of contemporary music in Serbia. Her compositions, influenced by the musical works of Schoenberg and Haba, have been enthusiastically acclaimed at performances in Prague, Amsterdam (World Music Days of the International Society for New Music 1933) and Strasbourg.
“Ostinato super Thema Octoicha represents an extraordinary challenge for the pianist. Although the piano part is technically simple – reduced to the level of children’s finger exercises finger exercises for children – it must be performed with great calm and evenness, completely independent of what is going on in the orchestra. This can only be achieved if subjective moments such as expression, pianistic habits, intrusiveness of any kind, especially romantic posturing, are dispensed with.” (L. Marić)

“All parts are technically simple and musically equal. Maric dedicates a very sonorous five-bar chord solo in ad libitum to the harp. The composer also dispenses with any kind of effects. Conventional notation makes it …

Premiere in Bukarest: CARMEN MARIA CÂRNECI – TraumLieder – for mezzo-soprano and piano

2024-08-13T17:07:34+02:0013. August 2024|Current Posts|

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, at 12 noon at the George Enescu National Museum, Sinaia Memorial House, Bucharest
CARMEN MARIA CÂRNECI – TraumLieder – for mezzo-soprano and piano (2023) – premiere
1. dream dancer / (verses by Stephanie Jans).
2. fire (verses by Anka Knechtel).
3. dream of a simple life (verses by Sabine Kleuker)
with Claudia Caia (mezzo-soprano), Andrei Tănăsescu (piano)
“The composer Tatjana Prelevic inspired me to compose the “TraumLieder”: in 2005 she led the project “Spreche als Klangbrücke” at the Hanover State University of Music and Drama, in which my songs were rehearsed and premiered by students in the original version for mezzo-soprano and ensemble. I had chosen three short poems about the inner world of women as texts for the songs; they inspired me once again to write this version for voice and piano.”


100 Years Ruth Schonthal: concert at the Liedstadt Hamburg

2024-07-29T13:17:28+02:0029. July 2024|Current Posts|

The Liedstadt Hamburg festival honors Ruth Schonthal:
We get to know the Hamburg composer Ruth Schonthal together and celebrate her 100th birthday.
“Different cultures have shaped my music” – we introduce the pioneer with songs and a sounding diary.”

No fear of Ruth Schönthal
19:00 (CET)

23 Sep, 2024

KörberForum, Hamburg

with Julian Prégardien, Marlene Heiß, Dr. Rafael Rennicke

220 years Fanny Hensel née Mendelssohn in 2025

2024-07-31T16:30:13+02:0026. July 2024|Current Posts|

In 2025, the 220th anniversary of Fanny Hensel‘s birth will be celebrated worldwide. She is one of the most important female composers of the 19th century. Born in 1805, she composed over 460 works, including piano pieces, songs, chamber music and orchestral and choral works. Her work is lyrical and expressive and has received great interest and recognition in recent years.

In preparation for the anniversary, the Basel Chamber Orchestra will perform the Overture in C major at several European venues in Scotland, Poland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland in August 2024. And the oratorio, the music for the dead of the cholera epidemic, will be heard on September 28 in Saarbrücken, performed by musicians from the Saarland State Orchestra and the Saarbrücken Oratorio Choir under the direction of KMD Annemarie Ruttloff. Particularly impressive: the funeral choir. Here you can listen to a CD recording.


Glacial sonorities for 4 flutes in Switzerland

2024-07-26T10:51:19+02:0026. July 2024|Current Posts|

The glacial sonorities for 4 flutes by dorothea hofmann can be heard again:
The ensemble Vibration4 will perform its program GLETSCHER-REQUIEM, dedicated to the melting Rhone glacier!
on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 18:00 at the Goms Summer Concerts in the
St.Michael center on the bettmeralp/Switzerland
and on Wednesday, July 31 at 18:00 at the Classical Festival of Haudères /Switzerland
#dorotheahofmann, #furore_musicbywomencomposers, #transverse flute #vibration4, #RozaliaAgadjanian, #RaphaelleRubelin, #ElianeWilliner, #ElianeLocher, #glacier, #rhonealpes, #gommern, #bettmeralp


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