“Expressive music … full of intensity. Suitable for performers who want to give contemporary music more space without having to deal with experimental playing techniques.”
The NMZ about the work
„…brennend wie eine Fackel…“ burning as a torch for organ solo
11,00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
„…brennend wie eine Fackel…“
2020 (9‘)
for organ solo
fue 10306
“And the third angel sounded, and there fell from heaven a great star, burning as a torch, and it fell upon the third
part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of the waters. And the name of the star is called “The vermouth”. “
Revelation 8:10
Vermouth. Bitter drink, source of bitterness is the name of the falling star – and bitterness affects the water of
the earth. The seven trumpets of the Apocalypse are part of the prophetic vision of an end-time catastrophe,
which was understood as a divine final judgment at the time the text was written.
The star is “burning like a torch” when it falls: at the same time he is of fantastic, never-before-seen beauty,
shining, sparkling light. And yet it is a horror, because as the bearer of bitterness he comes inexorably closer:
It is not possible to escape him.
The registrations always depends on the restrective organ, but descriptive adjectives and some volume relationships
are given as references.
The simultaneity of wonderful beauty on the one hand and the inevitability of coming bitterness on the other
hand must also be taken into account when registering: The circling melodic moments can sound (at least partially)
very alienated by aliquot registrations etc.
The tempo is also an approximation, which can be adjusted in every game situation together with organ mechanics
and reverberation.
Dorothea Hofmann, Munich April 19, 2020
Additional information
Weight | 0,1 kg |
Besetzung | Organ solo |
Schwierigkeitsgrad | Difficult |