discurso poético for guitar

discurso poético for guitar


An inspiring example of the creative incorporation of folkloristic influences into new musical compositions

Totals 10,00 
SKU: fue 10410 Categories: , Length: 11 MinutenInstrumentation: GuitarDifficulty: DifficultISMN: 979-0-50182-710-7


discurso poético 2022 (10‘26)
inspired by a northeastern Brazilian „Martelo agalopado“

Discurso Poético is inspired by the folkloric song tradition of Northeast Brazil. At
the beginning, the Brazilian poem style „Martelo Agalopado“ is presented in its original
form: a stanza of 10 verses in the rhyme scheme ABBAACCDDC, with a
monotone-bordun accompaniment underlining its folkloric roots.
To accommodate the varied performance practice, the Martelo shows up in its next
versions in imaginative variations and thoroughly contemporary garb: for example,
as a percussive-rhythmic Martelo variation in a sophisticated interplay of cluster
techniques, tambora effects and golpes, or as a majestic chorale in variously arpeggiated
unison columns in a senza tempo section. In a figurative sense, the two competitors
are now virtually goading each other in their improvisational art here, from
which an imaginative interplay develops in which the reference to the piece title
Discurso Poético becomes particularly clear.

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