Fantasy on the folk song “A poor wayfaring stranger” for guitar and violin

Fantasy on the folk song “A poor wayfaring stranger” for guitar and violin


Fantasy on the folk song “A poor wayfaring stranger”
level of difficulty: medium

The piece is based on an old, very popular folksong which is probably of American origin. The Wayfaring Stranger sings of the hardships of his temporal life passing by and refers to his journeying on to a better place where he will be reunited with his loved ones. The Fantasy catches the mood of the folksong but also includes a “Crazy Barn Dance” in Blue Grass style.

Totals 14,00 
SKU: fue 10078 Categories: , , , , , Tags: , , , , , , Length: 10 MinutenInstrumentation: Violin, GuitarDifficulty: MediumISMN: 979-0-50182-078-8


The folk song, “A poor wayfaring stranger” is a very popular gospel song that originated in the USA at the beginning of the 19th century.

The work was originally composed for cello and guitar, and then later reworked for violin and guitar. The whole is a free fantasy in the old style, which gradually turns towards American “blue-grass music” towards the end. I learned to love this music on journeys to the southern states of the USA. (Vivienne Olive)

Additional information

Weight 0,095 kg

Guitar, Violin



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