Hire Material: Inspired by Goethe: Songs by women composers for voice and orchestra, Vol. 1 arranged by Wolfgang Danzmayr

Hire Material: Inspired by Goethe: Songs by women composers for voice and orchestra, Vol. 1 arranged by Wolfgang Danzmayr

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Hire material on request: Please put the item into the basket and send us an order. We will contact you immediately and send you any information you may need.

Category: Difficulty: Medium


Inspired by Goethe: Songs by women composers for voice and orchestra, Vol. 1 arranged by Wolfgang Danzmayr


1. Jeanette Bürde 1799 – ?: Heidenröslein
Fl., Kl. (B), S, Vl. 1, Vl.. 2, Va., Vc., Kb.

2. Annette von Droste-Hülshoff 1797–1848 10: Lied des Harfners
Ob., E.H., Kl. (B), Fg., Hr. (F), Ms., Kb.

3. Helene Liebmann 1795– nach 1859: Mignon op. 4
Ob., Kl. (B), Hr. 1 (F), Hr. 2 (F), Ms., Vl. 1, Vl. 2, Va., Vc., Kb.

4. Elise Müller 1782–1849: Nachgefühl
Ms., Vl. 1, Vl. 2, Va., Vc., Kb.

5. Josephine Lang 1815–1880: Die Liebende abermals (1834)
Fl., Ob., Kl. (B), Fg., Hr. 1 (F), Hr. 2 (F), S., Vl. 1, Vl. 2, Va., Vc., Kb.

6. Fanny Hensel 1805–1847 41
Nähe des Geliebten (1826)
S., Vl. 1, Vl. 2, Va., Vc., Kb.

7. Fanny Hensel 1805–1847: Sehnsucht (1839)
Fl., Kl. (B), Fg., Hr. 1 (F), Hr. 2 (F), Ms, Vl. 1, Vl.. 2, Va., Vc., Kb.

8. Fanny Hensel 1805–1847: Hausgarten (1840)
Ms., Vl. 1, Vl. 2, Va., Vc., Kb.


When some years ago I first heard a series of works by women composers of the Romantic period, I made up my mind to stage at least one concert per year exclusively featuring music composed by women composers within the framework of my “Orchesterprojekt”. Several of the pieces were also – hardly surprisingly – Austrian premieres.
Having come across the song collection “Von Goethe inspiriert” published by Furore Verlag (fue 6300) in the course of my research, I soon found myself wanting to have several songs accompanied by chamber orchestra. The compositional quality of the songs and the tonal richness of the piano accompaniment allowed a diversity of instrumentation – without interference with the compositions themselves – that was perfectly suited to each song and its lyrics.
Wolfgang Danzmayr
Salzburg, May 2021


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