Year: 1958/61/86
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Edition: score
Difficulty: advanced
This collection includes early works of the composer and the 1986 composition on text by Erich Fried.
Nacht, Allein, Der Blütenzweig – 3 songs on texts by Hermann Hesse (1958)
WP: 1958 Mannheim, Paula Feierabend (soprano) und Barbara Heller (piano)
In her years in Mannheim Barbara Heller has been keen on song accompaniment. These three piano songs are describing her personal youthful view of the mood of the poems.
Meine Musca Domestica (1961)
WP: 28.11.1961 Elisabeth Gymnasium Mannheim, Renate Hansen (soprano) und Barbara Heller (piano)
Meine Musca Domestica on text by Joachim Ringelnatz is a commissioned work by her teacher Adolf Berchtold for a student of the Elisabeth Gymnasium in Mannheim.
In melody and form the voice is adapted to the free rhythm of the poem, whereas the song accompaniment is a unique specimen with also extensive telling, shading and acting as independent.
Was es ist: Lied für Monika Astrid Kittler (1986)
WP: 21.05.1998 Mainz, Franziska Quandt