
Instrumentation: piano
Edition: score
Difficulty: easy to medium

Playful musical ideas inspired by the observation, experiencing and depiction of landscapes and by a collection of small natural objects. Each piece contains a musical conception and their interpretation on the piano should be improvisatory. Easy to moderately difficult, they provide good teaching material for the development of musical creativity.

Inhalt/Contents: Welle für Ulrike Feld (perpetuum mobile), Eine Welle kehrt um…, Wenn Töne auf Bananenstauden wachsen wür­den, Spiralwelle, Steiniger Ackerboden, Sich winden, Wel­len­reiter, Lied der Muschel über die verlorene Perle, Die Schlan­ge im Stein, Sonne und Mond, Sternstunde, Feigenblatt.