Vivienne Olive: An Introduction to her Music

Vivienne Olive: An Introduction to her Music


168 pages

size: Din A 5

in English language


Totals 19,90 
SKU: fue 9140 Categories: , , , ISBN: 978-3-927327-63-4


Vivienne Olive has been composing since she first sat at the piano at the age of seven. Her oeuvre is incredibly diverse, characterized by different influences and always inviting discovery.
According to Olive herself, her catalogue of works includes serious, often serial compositions for soloists, small ensembles and large-scale orchestral apparatuses and choirs.
Olive devotes extensive studies and analyses to these before completion, sometimes with detailed proportion plans. Olive also frequently composes spontaneous light music, such as
the lively Bush Gin Rag.
With contributions by Charlotte Cubitt, Barbara Gabler, Stefan Grasse, Theresa Henkel, Mary Ellen Kitchens, Arno Leicht, Vivienne Olive, Matthias Stubenvoll, Janosch Umbreit
and Uta Walther.
ISBN 978927327634

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