Instrumentation: voice and piano
Edition: score
Difficulty: easy to advanced
Janet Beat: Lullaby for the Christ Child, Diana
Cemeryte: Balta dovana, Frederikke Egeberg:
Julemorgen, Luise Greger: Weihnachtsfeier,
Mathilde Kralik von Meyrswalden: Weihnachtsreigen,
Sibylle Pomorin: Das Krippenlied Pans,
Theresia Schlechtriem: Botschaft zur Weihnacht,
Mia Schmidt: Zur Ruhe kommen, Tina Ternes:
Th e fi rst volume combines international Christmas carols for solo voice and piano by women composers
from the 19th and 20th centuries: Janet Beat, Diana Čemerytė, Frederikke Egeberg, Luise
Greger, Mathilde Kralik von Meyrswalden, Sibylle Pomorin, Th eresia Schlechtriem, Mia Schmidt
and Tina Ternes. Th e words are mainly German, but English, Lithuanian and Norwegian are
also represented. Contemporary women composers in particular have been infl uenced by literature
from the 13th to the 20th century. For instance, an old poem by the famous Persian poet Jalaladdun
Rumi has been set to music for a Christmas carol. Th e technical demands range from easy to
moderately diffi cult.