Fémine Schults

This Dutch composer/musician seems to have been connected to Amsterdam, as her music was edited by an Amsterdam company (de Algemene Muziekhandel v/h Stumpff & Koning, Muziek en Instrumentenhandel K. van der Meer & van Rosmalen). In 1883–1885 she is recorded as setting the Dutch/Amsterdam writer M. G. L. van Loghem’s “Een Liefde in het Zuiden” (A love in the South) to music, 1901 Van het starrekijn, and Tien Liederen from 1928, dedicated to Anke Schierbeek, a Dutch mezzo-soprano who was active from 1912–1952. These seem all the works that presently survive, or are obtainable via the archives (“Nederland Muziek Instituut”) from this musician. She writes well for the piano, expressing the text with late 19th century harmonic shifts and appropriate musical devices. The melodic line for the voice is well and creatively written, again suitably expressing the text.

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