Liana Alexandra

The pianist and composer studied Composition at the Bucharest Ciprian-Porumbescu Conservatory from 1965 to 1971. She took part for several years in summer courses in Darmstadt and in 1983 was awarded the USIA scholarship to study in the USA, where she completed her doctorate in Musicology. Liana Alexandra has won numerous prizes for composition, she won the Gedok Competition in Mannheim in 1989 and won prizes at the International Festival of Women Composers in Unna in 1991 and in 2003 and 2004 at the “Synthese” festival in Bourges, to mention but a few. She has written more than 100 works, including cantatas, choral works, chamber music, orchestral works and operas which are performed throughout the world. As professor at the National University of Music in Bucharest she currently teaches Composition, Orchestration and Musical Analysis.

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