Nélia Maillard

Nélia Maillard, singer and composer, was acknowledged as a great singing talent. In the years 1828/29 her name can be found on the program notes of many concerts of the “Concerts Spirituels”. Her sisters Caroline and Hortense Maillard were also singers in the choir of the “Concerts Spirituels”. In 1829 Nélia Maillard was married to Amédée Empaire and apparently ceased to appear in public. Their marriage remained childless. Prior to her marriage in 1829 Nélia Maillard taught voice at the “École Royale de Musique et de Déclamation Lyrique”, the subsequent Paris Conservatoire. A short notice, which could correct her birth year to 1801, is found in the La Revue
et Gazette musicale de Paris from 1835: “Mme A. Empaire, née Nélia Maillard, professeur de chant au conservatoire, vient de mourir à l’âge de 34 ans.” (Mme A. Empaire, born Nélia Maillard, professor of voice at the conservatory, has died at the age of 34.)

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