Sylva Bouchard-Beier

Sylva Bouchard-Beiers’ path to composing was not straightforward but rather that of a practising artist and songstress who, in the course of many creative years as an opera singer, frontwoman in a heavy-metal band, ensemble conductor and director, faced up to the demands of very different audiences while always remaining committed to classical music. Her foundations were in-depth music theory studies at the Hanns-Eisler Music Academy in Berlin and postgraduate music education studies in Mainz. This has been complemented by a passion for making and creating on a variety of theatre stages, in solo programmes and in producing vocal theatre with ensembles and young singers.
When she is sometimes unable to find the right music to suit her topic, she goes about creating her own. Thus, with the passage of time a remarkable number of works for choir, instruments and solo voice have come into being, crowned by two operas in cooperation with musician Thomas Lang.

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