Cantata „Seyd gegrüßt ihr schönen Stunden“ (Greetings to you, lovely hours)

Cantata „Seyd gegrüßt ihr schönen Stunden“ (Greetings to you, lovely hours)


Score and Part

Cantata for voice and piano
Text: Johann Christoph Gottsched
Aria – Recitativo – Aria
Edited by Gudrun Agethen, Kostadin Delinikolov, Katherine Goodman and Rebecca Grotjahn



Totals 22,00 
SKU: fue 15106 Categories: , , Besetzung: voice with pianoSchwierigkeitsgrad: Medium to DifficultISMN: 979-0-50182-906-4


Today we encounter the cantata newly published here with wonder and joy! Luise Gottsched (née Kulmus, 1713-1762) is known mainly for her comedies, satires, translations and reviews. She was the first non-aristocratic German woman to achieve fame throughout Europe for her erudition. But who knows that she also composed music?

Vocally, Luise Gottsched’s solo cantata can definitely be classified as demanding, and not only because of that top note. With a little more than two octaves, it requires a rather wide vocal ambitus, and an agile voice for some faster passages and the – sparingly notated – ornaments. It was in keeping with the singing practice of the time to perform ornaments beyond the indications in the musical text. Luise Gottsched herself, however, advocated simplicity and naturalness in all areas of her life, and rejected what she saw as artificial, exaggerated ornamentation.


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