CD Invocation · Anrufung Duo Kermani · Gentili

CD Invocation · Anrufung Duo Kermani · Gentili


Die niederländische Klarinettistin Kymia Kermani und die italienische Pianistin Alba Gentili laden zu einer Entdeckungsreise ein, die dem Schaffen europäischer Komponistinnen von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart gewidmet ist.

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The Dutch clarinetist Kymia Kermani and the Italian pianist Alba Gentili invite you on a journey of discovery dedicated to the work of European female composers from Romanticism to the present.
The journey begins with the seductive Invocation of the Frenchwoman Clémence de Grandval (1830-1907), who led the Duo Kermani · Gentili as the motto of her concert, and leads through the self-confessed romantic Mel Bonis (1858-1937) to various positions of the 20th century. Elisabeth Lutyens (1906-1983), Ursula Mamlok (1923-2016) and Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar (1925) each adapted their avant-garde achievements in their own way, whereas their youngest colleague Francine Aubin (1938-2016) moved in stylistic regions limited on the one hand by late Romanticism and on the other by Les Six.
These works are connected by some red threads that the German composer Barbara Heller (*1936) spun with her air traces and milk thistle. The evening will be concluded by the world premiere of The Distance & Proximity, which Susanne Stelzenbach (*1947), born in 1947, will perform for the duo Kermani · Gentili wrote.
All works, with the exception of de Grandval’s Invocation, are first recordings.
YouTube Tips: Tip 1 and Tip 2 Further information
Photo Duo Kermani · Gentili: Marco Schröder
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