After finishing Secondary school university studies followed in the fields of psychology, philosophy and musicology at Hamburg; Cello at Detmold, Essen and Aachen. Awarded with a scholarship of the government:
“Begabtenförderung der Studienstiftung Villigst”. 1992 final exams in musical arts; still carrying her civil name Susanne Ehlers; multivarious concerts as soloist and chambermusic player; debuts at well named festival places e.g. Warschauer Herbst, Berlinale, Aktive Musik Ruhr, Festival Weimar, Schreyaner Herbst.
Member of various contemporary music groups. 1987 one of the initiators of the ConGioco Ensemble, a group of six musicians who dedicate themselves to avantgarde music.
1993 foundation of the Mengano Quartet. Numerous concert tours through Europe and South America. Working out concepts in experimental music theatre, improvisation and performance as well as modern dance theatre. Realisation of an everlasting dream: to be a composer. Stimulated by ConGioco Ensemble she creates her first musical work. 1995 first radio-production with the HR Frankfurt.
A posthumous edition of recording (CD SAL 7006, Salto Records International) includes contemporary music for cello and voice and was recorded and prepared for edition by Susanne Ehlers in 1995/1996. On this CD she interprets “besides some own pieces” compositions by John Cage, Adriana Hälszky, Mauricio Kagel, Louis Andriessen and Roland Aley.