Louise Reichardt (1779–1826), the daughter of Johann Friedrich Reichardt and Juliana Reichardt, née Benda, both professional musicians, knew many of the leading poets and thinkers of her day. Goethe called the Reichardt family estate in Giebichenstein, near Halle, where he also visited, “die Herberge der Romantik” (the hostel of Romanticism). She composed songs in the folk-like style espoused by her father, choosing poems by poets she knew personally, including Achim von Arnim, Clemens Brentano, and the artist Philipp Otto Runge, Ludwig Tieck and Novalis. Although the poet Joseph von Eichendorff referred to Louise as the daughter who “composed Goethe songs”, only two Goethe settings are known today, one of which appears here.
fue 6300
Inspired by Goethe. Songs by women composers of the 18.th and 19.th Centuries
Anna Amalia, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weimar Annette von Droste-Hülshoff Bettine von Arnim Caroline von Egloffstein Corona Schröter Elise Müller Fanny Hensel, geb. Mendelssohn Helene Liebmann Jeanette Bürde, geb. Milder Johanna Kinkel, gesch. Mathieux, geb. Mockel Josephine Lang Louise Reichhardt Sibylle Mertens-Schaafhausen
fue 9997
Music book + CD: Inspired by Goethe. Songs by women composers of the 18.th and 19.th Centuries
Anna Amalia, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weimar Annette von Droste-Hülshoff Bettine von Arnim Caroline von Egloffstein Corona Schröter Elise Müller Fanny Hensel, geb. Mendelssohn Helene Liebmann Jeanette Bürde, geb. Milder Johanna Kinkel, gesch. Mathieux, geb. Mockel Josephine Lang Louise Reichhardt Sibylle Mertens-Schaafhausen