Tatsiana Zelianko

Tatsiana Zelianko is a composer and pianist. After study­ing and playing the piano at the Philharmonie of Brest (BLR), she studied composition and musical analysis at the Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg. In 2016 she obtained the governmental artist status in Luxembourg. ­Tatsiana carried out several dozens of diverse commis­sions, com­posed and played in multiple countries, was ­celebrated at the 18th edition of the Festival Musiciennes à Ouessant. She composed for several festivals in Europe, and was ­honored by receiving prizes, including the Arts and Letters Prize of the Grand Ducal Institute, distinguish­ing young artists in Luxembourg. As a female compos­er, inspired by her past, education and forward looking, she has a very distinctive style, much appreciated by orches­tras and their audience.

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