Yang Song

Yang Song was born in Inner Mongolia (China). She got her composition doctor degree at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing with Prof. Guoping Jia in 2018, and graduated from Prof. Johannes Schöllhorn’s concert exam master class at the Hochschule für Musik, Freiburg, in 2019. She attendet the IRCAM Cursus 2020/21 in Paris. She got the Théodore-Gouvy-Preis 2019, Reinl-Preis 2019, the international Goethe-Preis of the “Asian Compos­ers Showcase 2018”. She was commissioned by the Germany Radio Philharmonie, Korean Tongyeong Internation­al Music Festival, New York Focus! Festival of Juilliard School, Shanghai International Art Festival, China Art Founda­tion and so on. Her contemporary works ­encompass diverse genres such as orchestral music, chamber music, electron­ic music, theater music and dance dramas. They synthesize the aesthetics of her own music culture with the aesthetics of music of other cultures.

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