for voice and piano
hrsg. von/ed. by Martin Wiemer
Charlotte Sporleder‘s oeuvre essentially comprises songs and piano music.
As a composer in the Wilhelmine era, a „Prussian Victory March“ (in memory
of the Battle of Wörth in 1870) is not to be missed. She also arranged
several „patriotic“ piano compositions for military bands. For a detailed
list of her works, please refer to Silke Wenzel‘s article in MUGI (Music
and Gender on the Internet).
As far as can be ascertained, only the vocal compositions opera 1 and 11
by Charlotte Sporleder, which are published here, are available, while her
other works must be considered lost.
The ballad opus 1 „Der Vater ist am Steuer“ was first published by Bote
und Bock. The two Heine settings opus 11 come from the „German Music
Collection“ at the Kgl. Bibliothek Berlin.